Thursday, 2 May 2013

Deer Antler Spray Ban lifted by WADA

 Big news this week..WADA (World Anti Doping Association) LIFTED the BAN on Deer Antler Spray! Great news..Everyone should be taking it! Get yours at here;

There has been a lot in the news a raft of Athletes taking banned substances. With deer antler having tiny quantities of NATURALLY produced IGF some sports organisations wary of illegal procedures banned Deer Antler Velvet even though years of use has proven it's very good for the taker.

Now it seems that with the WADA decision having been made in favour of DEER ANTLER justification for its use is even more validated.

Personally I have used it for years. I am a keen recreational sportsman. I swim, fish, play golf, surf, cycle and windsurf and work out in the gym. 35 years ago I finished 18 months of Chemotherapy to beat Hodgkins disease.I do have a pacemaker and don't have a thyroid but I am still really active.

I find that DEER ANTLER Spray helps keep my body in balance.